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Sandra Sanoski biography.
Sandra Sanoski is President and creative director of The Sandra Sanoski Company, Inc. Ms. Sanoski presides over the direction of her Company, and is the major marketing, creative and design influence, with final review authority on all client projects.
A native of Chicago, Ms. Sanoski earned a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, with a major in advertising and minors in marketing and history. This was followed by post graduate study in Northwestern University's M.B.A. program.
After graduation, Ms. Sanoski served as sales promotion manager for a publishing company, followed by tours of duty as promotional program development and copywriter for a major Chicago promotion and design firm, working on accounts which included Brach Candies, General Electric, Caloric and Bell & Howell, and later as an account executive and vice president of sales for a graphic design firm.
In 1974, she established The Sandra Sanoski Company, Inc. as a full service advertising and marketing communications agency. A design division was then formed to provide strategic design for marketing, including package design, corporate identity, trademarks, private labels and brand development.
Since that time her clients have grown to include many major national and international companies including package goods, specialty retail fashion, wine and spirits, textiles, home fashions and electronics companies.
She has been a guest lecturer at design colleges and her company has received numerous awards for design, advertising and point of sale, including the Addy Award from the American Advertising Federation, Printing Industries of America, Inc. Award for Package Design Excellence, and recognition from Point of Purchase Advertising Institute and others.
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